B Premanand
When a fan is working, the ash on
the photographs sprayed with water flies in the air which makes people believe
that ash is forming on the photo and falling down. Also keep some dry vibhuti below to make people believe
that it is the ash that is forming and falling.
Satya Sai Baba's paternal uncle
(father's younger brother, Chinna Venkappa Raju) was a magician and it was he
who taught him magic tricks. The first trick which Satya Sai Baba performed at
his school was to take out pencils, rubber, sweets etc., from an empty bag and
surprise his class-fellows and teachers. Then since he did not have the idea of
acting as an avatar of god, he explained these tricks as done by nature gods
like other magicians. The fact that one needs a bag to produce things is
because it is a trick bag. He also collected double value for these materials
from his class-mates.
Effect: Creating things out of an empty bag.
Props: Trick-bag and the objects
you want to produce.
Method: Hide the objects you want to produce in the second part of
the bag and close it. Then show the bag to the audience by pulling out the
inside to prove that it is empty. Then chant incantations, while pulling the
centre partition to the other side and start producing things.
Experiment - 59
Effect: Throwing flowers on the ground which forms
into letters "Sai Baba".
The second trick which Satya Sai
Baba demonstrated was to throw a basket of Jasmine flowers on the floor which
formed into the Telugu letters "Sai Baba" to prove that he was the
incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. The humour of this is that while Shirdi Sai
Saba knew only Marathi and Hindi, Satya Sai Baba knows only Telugu. So he could
manifest only Telugu words.
Props: Colourless adhesive, a
brush, Jasmine flowers and a fan.
Method: Prior to the show, draw the words on
the floor or carpet with the adhesive. Put on the fan and throw Jasmine flowers
on that part. The Jasmine will stick to the adhesive and form the words. The
other flowers get blown aside by the fan.
Experiment - 60
Effect: Creating necklace from no where. (Satya Sai Baba moves his
empty hands in a circle and produces necklaces.)
Props: Necklace.
Method: Keep the necklace under the armpit inside the sleeves. Show
the hand empty, move the hands in a circle two or three times, just hold the
fingers towards the palm and release the necklace from the arm-pit. It will
fall into your palm and thus enable you to produce it.
Experiment - 61
Effect: Producing lockets,
talismans, medals, rings etc.
Props: Lockets, talismans, medals, rings etc., which you can palm.
Method: Palm them before hand, wave your hand in circles and
produce them as you produce vibhuti.
Experiment - 62
Effect: Producing Akshata
(coloured rice). [Satya Sai Baba waves his hands in circles and sprinkles the
rice on the head of the devotee]
Props: Coloured rice and thumb tip; paraffin wax.
Method: Place the thumb tip with rice on your thumb, circle your
hands two or three times, release the thumb tip to your palm and sprinkle the
rice on the head of the volunteer.
Another Method: Melt paraffin wax and soak the rice in it and take
out and dry. Make a ball of this rice and because of wax coating it will stick
Palm it and after circling the
hand two or three times bring the ball to your fingers and crush it and
sprinkle it on the head of the volunteer.
Experiment - 63
Effect: Flower petals transformed into lockets, toffee etc.
Props: Flower petals, lockets, toffee etc.
Method: Cover the materials to be produced with flower petals. As
if throwing the flower petals, also throw the materials hidden among the flower
Experiment - 64
Effect: Nectar, honey, oil, etc., flowing from the photographs of
Satya Sai Baba in the homes of his devotees.
Props: A bottle with one of the liquids, a framed photograph, a mantap, tube connection from the bottle
to the frame with a tap.
Method: The bottle with honey, nectar or oil etc., is hidden in the
frame or mantap with a tube at the
back of the framed photo leading to the front of the glass. When the tap is
opened, honey, nectar, oil etc., flows down the glass.
To expose this miracle, watch
carefully to see how much honey is forming and falling into the plate kept
below the photograph and find out if it is just some honey etc., poured on the
glass. If honey is flowing down from the photograph, remove the photograph
from its place and you can find the source of the flow.
Experiment – 65
Effect: Holy Ash forming on the photographs of Satya Sai Baba in
the home of his devotees. Vibhuti is
seen formed on framed photographs.
Props: Perfumed vibhuti,
framed photograph, Kanji water (rice water) fresh water and a plate.
Method: Make a dough of vibhuti
in Kanji water (starch water from rice porridge - Congee) and spray it on the
glass of the photo. Allow it to dry. Once it is dried repeat this once again,
spraying the vibhuti on the
first coat. Allow it to dry.
To examine whether vibhuti is
really forming on the glass of the framed photograph, remove the portion of the
ash which has already formed on the photograph and you will see that it does
not form again on the scraped portion.
Experiment – 66
Effect: Producing larger objects from sand.
Satya Sai Baba has created an
18" gold Krislma idol and a Bhagavad Gita book from sand. He goes near the
river bank, selects a place, and sits there with his devotees in a circle around
him. He makes a heap of sand, puts his hand inside the sand and brings out
objects which are impossible to palm.
Props: The object which you want to produce.
Method: Hide an object in the sand well in advance and mark the
place. Walk about as if you are searching for a place to sit and in the end
select the marked spot. Make a small mound of sand and insert your hand in it
and take out the hidden object as if you have created it
Experiment – 67
Effect: Holy ash from an empty wooden vessel.
On Shivarathri day Satya Sai Baba
takes a wooden vessel containing vibhuti and empties it on the head of the Shirdi
Sai Baba statue. After showing it empty, he puts his hand through the neck of
the vessel and out flows vibhuti for several minutes. He first uses his right
hand, then the left hand, and again the right hand.
Props: A vessel with a big belly and a neck through which the hand
can pass easily. Vibhuti, water and a
bottle which can also pass through the neck. A robe with double sleeves and
some thread or rubber bands
Method: Mix the vibhuti in water into a dough and fill
it in the vessel. Press it with the bottle so that the dough adheres to the sides
of the vessel and the centre portion is empty. Allow it to dry. Fill the centre
portion with dry vibhuti and tie them
with a thread or rubber band so that it does not fall out.
Show the vessel with vibhuti. Turn it over and let the vibhuti fall on the idol or statue. Show
it empty. Now hold the vessel with mouth up, put your right arm into the vessel,
at the same time releasing the vibhuti
from the sleeve into the vessel. Turn the vessel slowly and allow the vibhuti to fall out through your hand.
When the flow stops, remove your arm and show the vessel is empty. Now hold the
top up and put your left hand in, releasing the vibhuti hidden in the left sleeve. Then turn the vessel over and
let the vibhuti slowly fall through
your left hand until it is empty. Now remove your left hand, insert your right
hand and slowly scrape the vibhuti
placed on the sides of the vessel. Thus you can create more vibhuti than the vessel appears to hold .
Since it is very easy to expose
this trick, Satya Sai Baba stopped producing vibhuti from a vessel in 1978.
Reproduced with permission
from Indian CSICOP.
For other articles from Science Versus Miracles we have already
published please
click here (http://www.carvaka4india.com/search/label/Science%20versus%20Miracles)
Wow, that's clever.
Can you now tell all of us how he faked a real giant super hi tech free hospital for the poor?
It is simple. Follow the links below. (You can find a lot more information by doing a simple websearch).
Pandora's Box (Article in Frontline)
Treasure trove unearthed from late Sathya Sai Baba's chamber (article in DNA)
Nice reply
i have photos in my home with vibhuti forming on them. Some of them are of sai bab and some are not.
I can understand as for photos of sai baba, the people who made that photos had done the trick of spraying the dough on the glass and when it landed at our home the vibhuti formed.
but what about the photos which are not of sai baba. they have been in my house before the photos of sai baba came. How can vibhuti form on these photots??
please reply. I am really obsessed about it.
Please address what is written in here about Sai Baba and I will definitely consider him a fake then: http://scilib-physics.narod.ru/Talbot/index.html
I will copypaste the relevant part:
Perhaps the most famous modern-day materializations are those produced by Sathya Sai Baba, a sixty-four-year-old Indian holy man living in a distant corner of the state of Andhra Pradesh in southern India. According to numerous eyewitnesses, Sai Baba is able to produce much more than salt and a few stones. He plucks lockets, rings, and jewelry out of the air and passes them out as gifts. He also materializes an endless supply of Indian delicacies and sweets, and out of his hands pour volumes of vibuti, or sacred ash. These events have been witnessed by literally thousands of individuals, including both scientists and magicians, and no one has ever detected any hint of trickery. One witness is psychologist Erlendur Haraldsson of the University of Iceland.
Haraldsson has spent over ten years studying Sai Baba and has {151} published his findings in a recent book entitled Modern. Miracles: An Investigative Report on Psychic Phenomena Associated with Sathya Sai Baba. Although Haraldsson admits that he cannot prove conclusively that Sai Baba's productions are not the result of deception and sleight of hand, he offers a large amount of evidence that strongly suggests something supernormal is taking place.
For starters, Sai Baba can materialize specific objects on request. Once when Haraldsson was having a conversation with him about spiritual and ethical issues, Sai Baba said that daily life and spiritual life should “grow together like a double rudraksha.” When Haraldsson asked what a double rudraksha was, neither Sai Baba nor the interpreter knew the English equivalent of the term. Sai Baba tried to continue with the discussion, but Haraldsson remained insistent. “Then suddenly, with a sign of impatience, Sai Baba closed his fist and waved his hand for a second or two. As he opened it, he turned to me and said: ‘This is it.’ In his palm was an acorn-like object. This was two rudrakshas grown together like a twin orange or a twin apple,” says Haraldsson.
When Haraldsson indicated that he wanted to keep the double-seed as a memento, Sai Baba agreed, but first asked to see it again. “He enclosed the rudraksha in both his hands, blew on it, and opened his hands toward me. The double rudraksha was now covered, on the top and bottom, by two golden shields held together by a short golden chain. On the top was a golden cross with a small ruby affixed to it, and a tiny opening so that it could hang on a chain around the neck.”58 Haraldsson later discovered that double rudrakshas were extremely rare botanical anomalies. Several Indian botanists he consulted said they had never even seen one, and when he finally found a small, malformed specimen in a shop in Madras, the shopkeeper wanted the Indian equivalent of almost three hundred dollars for it. A London goldsmith confirmed that the gold in the ornamentation had a purity of at least twenty-two carats.
Such gifts are not rare. Sai Baba frequently hands out costly rings, jewels, and objects made of gold to the throngs who visit him daily and who venerate him as a saint. He also materializes vast quantities of food, and when the various delicacies he produces fall from his hands they are sizzling hot, so hot that people sometimes cannot even hold them. He can make sweet syrups and fragrant oils pour from his hands (and even his feet), and when he is finished there is no trace of the sticky substance on his skin. He can produce exotic objects such {152} as grains of rice with tiny, perfectly carved pictures of Krishna on them, out-of-season fruits (a near impossibility in an area of the country that has no electricity or refrigeration), and anomalous fruits, such as apples that, when peeled, turn out to be an apple on one side and another fruit on the other.
(going to have to make a second comment to give you the rest)
(continued from above)
Equally astonishing are his productions of sacred ash. Every time he walks among the crowds that visit him, prodigious amounts of it pour from his hands. He scatters it everywhere, into offered containers and outstretched hands, over heads, and in long serpentine trails on the ground. In a single transit of the grounds around his ashram he can produce enough of it to fill several drums. On one of his visits, Haraldsson, along with Dr. Karlis Osis, the director of research for the American Society for Psychical Research, actually saw some of the ash in the process of materializing. As Haraldsson reports, “His palm was open and turned downwards, and he waved his hand in a few quick, small circles. As he did, a grey substance appeared in the air just below his palm. Dr. Osis, who sat slightly closer, observed that this material first appeared entirely in the form of granules (that crumbled into ash when touched) and might have disintegrated earlier if Sai Baba had produced them by a sleight of hand that was undetectable to us.”59
Haraldsson notes that Sai Baba's manifestations are not the result of mass hypnosis because he freely allows his open-air demonstrations to be filmed, and everything he does still shows up in the film. Similarly, the production of specific objects, the rarity of some of the objects, the hotness of the food, and the sheer volume of the materializations seem to rule against deception as a possibility. Haraldsson also points out that no one has ever come forth with any credible evidence that Sai Baba is faking his abilities. In addition, Sai Baba has been producing a continuous flow of objects for half a century, since he was fourteen, a fact that is further testament to both the volume of the materializations and the significance of his untarnished reputation. Is Sai Baba producing objects out of nothingness? At present the jury is still out, but Haraldsson makes it clear what his position is. He believes Sai Baba's demonstrations remind us of the “enormous potentials that may lie dormant somewhere within all human beings.”60
Btw, does Sai Baba ever say how he materializes anything and how we can learn to do it ourselves?
Cos dumb fucking morons donate millions to this faggot
Satya Sai Baba, toiled day and night for his devotees. He lived and worked for others. His biggest miracle is tranformation of hearts ! Not the materialisations !..
As Swami Vivekananda say " They alone live, who live for others; the rest are more dead than alive".
Baba lives in the hearts of millions his of pure-hearted devotees. He can only be understood if one has purity of heart. If you can understand what i say !.
This Condemnation article of yours is ABSURD !
Thank you for this detailed article about the charlatan
Stupid rationalists jobless idiots finding out mistakes in everything
How can you decide about Baba without even experiencing him? Is it possible to hide all the objects in a single hand? He produced so much of vibhuthi in a day and materialized many trinkets,chains or rings in a day. If at all he was hiding, how is it possible to hide so many under the armpit? And why would someone arrange for honey to flow out of the photographs at his own home Unless he is some stupid rationalist like the one who wrote this article?
Hello Anonymous!
People like him always hide behind a charity.
Where did he get the money from...?
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