Ram Puniyani
Violence under the garb of religion has been the major expression of the
politics in current times. Sharad Sharma, and myself are working on
‘Explained Series’. The aim of the series is to present the phenomenon
in the form of graphic presentations, Comic Books. Two books in this
series are already out
1. Communalism Explained: Outlines the rise of Communal politics in India, The communal violence, Mumbai and Gujarat as case studies, India’s syncretic traditions, the distortions in history done by British, Communal Historiography, The values of Freedom movement, the agenda of communal politics-Muslim and Hindu, Impact of communal agenda on the human rights of workers, women, dalits, Adivasis and religious minorities, the struggle for democratic society and tasks for secular movement (Rs 300)
2. Terrorism Explained. This book is in the background of 9/11 2001 WTC tragedy and goes on to unravel the politics of control of oil wells, the setting up of Madrassas in Pakistan by US for creation of Al Qaeda, The Terror attacks in India, 26/11 2008, The Hindutva terror, path for Peace. (Rs 200)
Both these are available on

1. Communalism Explained: Outlines the rise of Communal politics in India, The communal violence, Mumbai and Gujarat as case studies, India’s syncretic traditions, the distortions in history done by British, Communal Historiography, The values of Freedom movement, the agenda of communal politics-Muslim and Hindu, Impact of communal agenda on the human rights of workers, women, dalits, Adivasis and religious minorities, the struggle for democratic society and tasks for secular movement (Rs 300)
2. Terrorism Explained. This book is in the background of 9/11 2001 WTC tragedy and goes on to unravel the politics of control of oil wells, the setting up of Madrassas in Pakistan by US for creation of Al Qaeda, The Terror attacks in India, 26/11 2008, The Hindutva terror, path for Peace. (Rs 200)

Selections from these books have been put into a Exhibition (30 panels). This exhibition will soon be available in plastic folders for exhibitions in various places. At present it is in the form of thick print outs. These are in Hindi and English both.
Please click the following link for viewing the panels
English Link
Hindi Link
Do please forward it to other friends and groups. Your feedback will be welcome.
Ram Puniyani
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