B Premanand
While on a vijnan yatra in
Maharashtrn in 1981, Vilas Baba, a godman from Phelton, challenged us that if
we proved that his miracle ia false he would pay us Rupees five lakhs. His
challenge was published by many vernacular dailies in Maharashtra .
We agreed to investigate his clim and fixed a day for the same. In his reply he
informed us that he was going into samadhi from that day up to the end of my
tour in Maharashtra and as his soul would be roaming in the Himalayas ,
the date given was not suitable for him. Therefore, I gave rum the next day to
investigate his claims and my lecture was arranged at Phelton on that date.
Most of the people of Phelton and the suburbs had come to witness what would
happen to me and the Baba. We waited for him for an hour and he did not turn
out. Our people went to his ashram. It was locked and no one was there. He has
not come back to the village to this day.
In 1982 when I visited Madhya
Pradesh, I found that he had collected Rs. 5000 from a rich merchant for a male
child and given him a coin to be placed in his prayer-room.
He claimed to be a Baba of the
poor, and initially asked only 5 and 10 paisa coins. He took the coin and,
bringing it near his mouth, recited some mantras and gave it back to the person
to hold tight in his fists. Within a few minutes it became hot and when he opened
his hand, vibhuti was seen emanating from the coin. Even when the com was
washed, vibhuti still formed. Being satisfied with his supernatural powers, the
gullible met him to solve their problems. He exploited them to the size of their
purse. I was informed that he charged five to ten thousand rupees to see that
one got a male child.
Experiment: 74
Effect: Ash from coins.
Props: Saturated mercuric
chloride solution in water in a small container, an aluminium coin or a plate.

Take the plate, rub it with a
piece of cloth dipped in the solution, and the same chemical reaction will
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