Ram Puniyani
What a shame that the basic point Ramesh is making is undermined by most and is being taken as an insult to Hindu religion. Surely he is talking of the holy places which have been the center of attention for spending money for their construction and upkeep while the core social issue is being undermined.Temple
here is a metaphor for the holy places, where people go for worship and
associate it with their identity. Being in India the dominant number of temples
is very obvious. The UN data shows the gross inadequacy of our sanitation
facilities. While our sanitation system suffers from gross neglect, during last
few decades many grander temples have come up along with the other small ones
also. Even the affluent NRIs have also donated heavily for these temples. One
should also notice here that even when Pundit Nehru, when he underlined the
importance of dams, industries and modern education, he also used the word
temple, saying that these are the temples of Modern India.
In medieval times the saints of bhakti tradition in
particular, like Kabir Tukaram, Dadu, Paltu, Pipa all drew our attention to the
plight of people of the world, while clergy called for importance of rituals,
holy places and the wrath of God, if people don’t follow their dictates about
the identity related concerns. Sufis and Liberation theologians also talked
about people’s issues and showed the path of love. Kabir at one point compares
the grinding stone (chakki) and the idol of God. For him the grinding stone is
more important than the idol of the Lord as grinding stone helps people to
grind the grains and satisfy their hunger. During most of the social
transformations when average people, poor come up to rebel, their issues are related
to bread, while those opposed to social change harp on the identity related
temples and mosque. During freedom movement, while National movement was
talking about the values of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity so that people’s
problems can be solved the communal organizations, standing for status quo,
Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha-RSS were taking the cover of their respective
religions and keeping aloof from freedom movement for preserving their
privileges under the garb of their religion.
The Union Rural development Minister’s remark that “toilets
are more important than temples” (October 2012) was met with diverse responses.
Ramesh was speaking at a launch of campaign to sensitize people about the ill
effects of open defecation, a practice very common in rural areas and city
slums, where sanitation facilities are poor or non-existent. Ramesh said that
open defecation was the main reason for the hygiene related problems and that
there are more temples than toilets in the country.
The BJP and friends immediately pounced on the minister
saying that he is insulting their faith. While BJP’s associates VHP
and Bajrang dal took to strong condemnation of Ramesh, demanded an apology from
him and launched protests. One case has also been registered against the
minister for insulting the faith. Congress spokesman, in order to play safe
said that Congress respects all religions. The only support the minister could
get was from the NGO Sulabh International, the NGO which has initiated a chain
of public toilets in places where they are most needed.
What a shame that the basic point Ramesh is making is undermined by most and is being taken as an insult to Hindu religion. Surely he is talking of the holy places which have been the center of attention for spending money for their construction and upkeep while the core social issue is being undermined.
One should register that when the holy Hindu practices are
done in the state functions, breaking of coconut, lighting the lamp, the BJP
and company and many others take it as a routine. Now but when the word temple
is generalized to draw the attention of deeper social issue, their protest and
hysterical reaction, their defense of ‘faith’ is deafening! One concedes that
as such also during last few decades many a Muslims making living in the gulf
countries have been remitting money home for Mosques. During the relief work of
Gujarat carnage victims, when the Modi
Government stopped the rehabilitation work for the victims, the Muslims’
conservative organizations continued the relief work. In the colonies which
they got constructed for the violence victims, the Mosques are big and grand
while the houses are small.
The core issue is related to social concerns of poor versus
the identity based concerns in general. In independent India , thanks
to the uncompromising values of Nehru, he could ward off the pressures of
conservative sections to get Somnath temple repaired from state coffers. He
also advised the President of India not to inaugurate the Somnath temple. His
focus was on the basic issues of bread-butter, shelter, employment. Even at
that time the previous avatar of BJP, Jan Sangh was talking of identity based
issues related to protection of Mother Cow. This dichotomy, as to which type of
issue is more important has been an age old one. Lord Gautama Buddha while
opposing the caste system, focused that the central concerns are related to
life in this world, ‘the other’ world around which identity is constructed,
Brahma etc. are not his concern. Dr. Ambedkar pointed out that Buddha’s
teachings were the major revolution in India , whereby the low caste could
come out from the grip of Brahminical exploitation and identity issues. This
revolution of Lord Buddha was met with the counter revolution led by
Shankaracharya, as per whom this world is Mythya (illusion) and one should
focus on the real truth in the form of Brahma.
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Jairam Ramesh Courtesy: Wikipedia |
Post Independence we see that the ideologies of status quo,
have been taking up defense of Holy cow, and later India politics got
transformed with the identity related issue of Babri Mosque, opposition to Shah
Bano getting maintenance. Later other such issues have been waiting in the
wings to oppose the social issues; the ones’ like Amarnath yatra, Ram Setu and
a list of temples, which need to be built. The politics around temple,
identity, issues related to ‘other world’ are stalking the world. Most fundamentalist
politics is revolving around Temple (Mosque and Church), while the hunger
pangs, basic necessities and violation of human rights of weaker section are
being bypassed. On the side of temple are the practitioners of politics in the
name of religion. On the side of Toilet, provisions for social living are the
ones’ who are denied this basic survival thing in daily life or those who give
primacy to these. There is bit of mix up also. Pure agenda may be difficult to
come by so there are different degrees of emphasis. While the most radical
one’s like Bhagat Singh, Ambedkar and their followers will talk of this world
and rights, the middle of the road parties will give less emphasis to identity,
temple, while the electoral wings of fundamentalist will give primacy to temple
and lip service to grinding stone or toilets. In a way the temple-toilet debate
is reminiscent of Kabir’s grinding mill versus stone-idol debate. Who dare to
stand for toilet and who stands for temple, mosque church will tell us their social
commitment. Commitment to social change versus aggressive desires to maintain
status quo is the issue!
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