B Premanand

Experiment: 108
Effect: Picking the card
which you have selected with X-ray powers.
Props: Stripper card pack.
Method: Call for a volunteer from the audience, hand over the card
pack to him and ask him to shuffle it and return it. Spread the cards on your
hands with the broad part towards the volunteer and ask him to pick a card.
After noting what that card is he puts it back in the pack. At the same time
bring the cards together, bolding the cards with your left hand at the lowest
end keeping the card pack facing the volunteer length wise. 99% of the people
take the card the same way they have taken out and replace it in the pack. If they
are replacing the same way, turn the other broad side towards the volunteer and
let him insert it in the pack. Then ask him to shuffle the pack and return it.
No one can know where the selected card is.
After the pack is returned to you
explain to the audience that through your X-ray powers and telepathy you can
know the card and pick it out without going through the pack. As you talk,
search for the card side that is a little broader than the other cards. Keep
the car pack near your ears, explain that you are finding where the card is
through your X-ray powers, pass your right hand finger over the card pack, give
a hit to the pack at the back, and pull out the protruding card with the thumb
and the index finger and show it to the volunteer. It will be the same card
which he had selected.
What are Stripper Cards?
A Stripper Deck (also
known as a Tapered Deck, Wizard Deck, or Biseauté Deck) allows the magician to
control the main location of a card or group of cards easily within the pack.
Even after being shuffled into the deck by a spectator, the magician can cut to
a selected card. Similarly, even after being lost in different parts of the
deck, the magician can move multiple cards to the bottom or top of the deck
with a few innocent shuffles.
Unlike the Invisible or
Svengali Deck, the Stripper Deck can be handled by an audience member
unfamiliar with the concept and can withstand a modest amount of scrutiny
without exposing the secret; however, this deck is found in a number of
beginners' magic kits, so the secret is well-known, even among non-magicians.
The cards of a Stripper
Deck are slightly tapered, so that the sides no longer form a perfect
rectangle. The change is slight enough to be undetected by visual inspection or
even casual handling, but if a single card is rotated 180° so that it's tapered
in the opposite direction from the rest of the deck, the card's broad end can
easily be detected, by feel or even by sight, among the narrow ends of the rest
of the deck. At this point the magician can select the target card through
sleight of hand.
Many of the effects
achieved with a Stripper Deck can also be accomplished with sleight of hand.
(Courtesy: Wikipedia - Accessed on 06 April 2013)
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