Saturday 6 April 2013

Science versus Miracles: Curing the Lame, Blind, Deaf and Dumb

B Premanand

Pentecostals and some other Christian groups conduct meeting every year claiming to cure the blind, deaf, dumb and lame and also other incurable diseases. They get forms filled up by the people about their ailments and collect money in the guise of donations. The patients donate generously hoping for a cure by divine intervention.

At the prayer meeting, a blind person is brought to the stage and after prayer, the healer passes his hands over the eyes, and he gets sight. A dumb person is brought and after prayer, he starts speaking A deaf person is brought and he starts hearing. Like wise a lame person is cured of his lameness and he walks from the stage. 

Experiment: 107

Effect: Curing the Lame, Blind, Deaf and Dumb.

Props: 1” padding at the heels in one of the shoes.

Method:  The blind, the dumb and the deaf are acting. The lame one has a 1” padding in the heels of one shoe. After removing the shoe, the healer prays and massages the leg of the person and pulls it. Putting on the shoe (the padding is stealthily removed) he walks from the stage without limping.


Are you aware of any groups claiming to cure others / do miracles where they do not take donations and just do it for free? What's your explanation for them? What would be their motive for faking?

Also what's your take on groups that offer to cure you and will only suggest you donate if the cure works? There are such groups you know that you can go to if you have some health problem. It seems like it's worth a try to go to such people to be cured who won't even demand you pay them anything.

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