P L Rao

Definition and meaning
Faith or belief is the unique faculty that prompts proper decisions and knits into harmonious working all the energies of our person. It helps to bind men together and directs them into common action, thus it is more relevant for others. It is a mental bond that develops after deep examination and total acquaintance. In material world, it is seen between aged couple, kid and mother, parents and child, siblings and friends. Faith is not momentary, transient and sentimental feeling.
It is wrong to believe on insufficient evidence or to nourish it by suppressing doubt and avoiding investigation. That which develops after a visit to a crematorium, listening to harikatha or performing a pilgrimage can kindle it for once, but true faith is much beyond that. The ‘belief’ one claims from half knowledge boosts up ego, vanity and develops as pestilence. Every time one is led into believing for un worthy reasons, his self confidence, capacity of inquiring, doubting, judiciously analyzing and taking right actions vanes.
As per Milton, “If one believes things that his pastor or elder said so without knowing reason, the very Truth he holds becomes his heresy”. An aphorism of Coleridge says: “He who begins by loving Christianity better than Truth, will proceed by loving his own sect of Church better than Christianity and ends loving himself better than all”
If one was loaded with a pattern of belief in childhood, which he persuaded later, his tendency is to push away any doubts arising in mind, avoid questions, reading books and company of people who are likely to disturb his belief. Result is he looses confidence in self and needs some crutch for survival for ever. The power earned by faith is highest when it is derived after deep self introspection.. It will then apply as well to others as common property. For this, discussion with others has very limited role. In fact when belief is complete, one never need ask for help. It does not demand commonality in outlook. One is accepted simply as he is. That demands generosity and mutual tolerance.
Worldly examples
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Meerabai |
Again, just as a visually challenged person cannot read printed script, Power (if it exists,) which is without form and quality, can not be experienced by physical faculty of brain. This being the case, how does a man, who takes many precautions before striking a simple financial deal, bestows his destiny into the lap of a Power of which everything is enigma?
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Prophet Mohammed receiving his first revelation An image from the book Jami' al-tawarikh published in 1307 AD (Courtesy: Wikipedia) |
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Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa |
Now ask any theist which is the focal Power of his faith. A reply in plural exposes him as faith in tens or thousands of Gods is as good as in none. Secondly compartmentalized Powers can never solve all crises. One does not start testing Doctors after falling ill. Sincere theist however will get perplexed at the question, wonders why this did not occur to him earlier. Please note that no two people (even seers) will answer alike with straight forward answer if asked to define faith and explain what lies beyond life. But majority are sheep in a flock, simply taught to “believe”, not knowing what to believe. Any next query will provoke an arrogant reply and annoyance for exposing their hollowness. It is obvious that this belief in term “Belief “can not carry one far. This “Theist” deprived of thinking capacity is doomed to suffer.
This World of faith is built around us by Society in connivance with the priestly community (seers, sages, Popes and Imams) from collective imagination with explicit objective of reining in the common man. Despite knowing its futility, society carefully preserves this myth as a tool to tame the occasional skeptics and rebels.
Is Faith accumulation of knowledge?
Faith is usually described as product of knowledge of religious texts. One who is capable of reciting chapters of Gita or Veda extempore is held in high esteem and repeated recitation of words”Rama“, ‘’Shiva” or “ Om” would elevate him. The truth however is that the words “Holy”’, ‘Sacred” “Bliss” and ‘Super conscious state” are all simple words, in no way different from word “Food“ which would not satisfy your hunger however earnestly you utter the word a hundred times. Accumulation of knowledge in physical or metaphysical world only enhances one’s ego. In today’s fast growing world of science and technology, one can never be abreast with latest developments. Likewise, in metaphysical field, reading for spirituality is accumulation, which develops as a fad with no end to it. Wisdom lies in denying knowledge in transcendental field. This only can ignite faculty of constant awareness and Inquiry. .
This calls for a fresh look around at all moments of one’s life. It does not demand a brain of super potential, but simply awareness that it is conditioned (that is, deprived of natural state as of a child) and then a resolve to come out of this influence. Gifted with the largest brain of all species, man has to use it to its full potential. One is as great (or worse) as he behaves with humility and sincerity towards betterment of others. Instead, running after any abstractions or shunning rightful responsibility is escapism.
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