B Premanand
Patanjali Yoga Sutras explain the method of awakening the sexual
energy - Kundalini Shakti - from Muladhara Chakra through Sushumna Nadi and the six chakras: Swadhisthana Chakra, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna to the
ultimate Sahasrara Chakra, where the
union between soul and super soul (atma
and paramatma or Shiva and Shakti) takes
place to become one with god. In this practice a person also acquires 64 minor siddhis and 8 special siddhis (ashta siddhis) which are:
- Anima: Ability to be as small as one wants.
- Mahima: Ability to be as big as one may desire.
- Laghima: Ability to become light to any degree.
- Gharima: Ability to become as heavy as desired.
- Prapti: Easy grasping by hand of any object however far it may be.
- Prakamya: To have anything as soon as one desires it.
- Isitva: Power to create and control things.
- Vasitva: Subjugation of everyone and everything, even to conquering death.
I once believed in Kundalini Yoga and had aspirations to
master the siddhis. At the age of
nineteen I went in search of a guru and travelled around the country till I
found a certain yogi in Rishikesh who agreed to teach me Kundalini Yoga. By that time I had mastered about three hundred or
so asanas and pranayama through a yoga instructor engaged to teach us yoga at
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Patañjali Statue (traditional form indicating Kundalini or incarnation of Shesha) Source: Wikipedia |
To demonstrate the power of mantras, the yogi asked me to draw "ॐ" on a piece of paper in Sanskrit in double lines. He then took it to his
prayer room and closed the door. After about an hour he came out, took a ganja beedi, lit it and touched the
portion where I had drawn Aum.
Surprisingly, only the part where Aum
was drawn burnt with flickering light leaving the rest of the paper intact. He
gave me a lecture on the power of the Aum mantra. He said meditation on Aum made everything possible. I was
asked to meditate on this mantra and
when I could concentrate on it I would also be able to burn the Aum. At that time another person came to
learn Kundalini Yoga and he too was
asked to draw Aum on a paper in
double lines. When the yogi again went to his prayer room, I climbed on a stool
and peeped through the ventilator. The yogi was applying some liquid on the
drawing. He applied several coatings, waiting for each coating to dry before applying
the next. The following experiment explains his secret:
Experiment: 41
Effect: The Aum
symbol burns without the paper getting burnt.
Props: Saturated solution of
Potassium Nitrate in water 25 ml. with 5 ml. gum accacia mixed with it. Thick
bond paper with Aum drawn in
Sanskrit, all the lines connected through double lines. A thin bristle artist's
brush to apply the solution on the paper, cigarette and matchbox.
Method: Apply the solution on the
Aum four times with the brush
allowing each coat to get dry. Light a cigarette and touch the starting point
of the symbol with it. Where the potassium nitrate solution is applied the
letter will burn in outline, leaving the rest of the paper intact.
Aum – Explanation of the Mantra
According to our scriptures there
are two kinds of mantras, one suggestive and the other symbolic. The Upanishads
explain them and their powers. We are told that symbolic mantras are not for
chanting but are symbols to be practiced. Aum
is the most sacred and powerful mantra of the Hindus. It is called the mantra
of creation - Srishti Mantra - and it
is from practicing Aum that life
comes into existence.
The first language invented by
man was "Chitra Lipi" -
Picture symbols. He drew in signs, symbols and line drawings on rocks of things
which were dangerous to human life and which were helpful to the man. Such
symbols can be seen on prehistoric caves where primitive man had his home.
The menace of wild animals, the
danger of natural calamities, pestilence and death, made man think of how
children were born. The outcome was the Srishti
Mantra "AUM", the
symbol of creation. It is claimed that if one practices "AUM" he can bring down the
mountains and change the flow of the rivers, change sky into earth and earth
into sky, and transform hell Into heaven and heaven into hell.
The symbol of AUM is the union between male and female
where sperm unites with ova and conception takes place. But it is by technology
and manpower that mountains have been levelled and the flow of the rivers
changed by building dams and canals, Hell can be transformed into heaven and
heaven into hell by one's mental attitude. All the progress made by man has
been through his own endeavor, with the help of language through which he
gained power to imagine, and to arrive at conclusions through experiments,
logic and reasoning. Therefore MAN i.e. the outcome of AUM, is himself the most
sacred and powerful mantra, because it is within us to bring in peace and
progress, or destruction. But if one recites AUM mantra not even a blade of grass
would move. We have devised H2O as the symbol of water, but even If one recites
this a million times over, water cannot be manufactured. One must take two
parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen and fuse them together to get water.
Later when I became a member of
the Divine Life Society, founded by Swami Shivananda, I started practising Kundalini Yoga under him in right
earnest. Along with the practice, I was to read and learn the treatise on Kundalini Yoga authored by the Swami. I
reached the portion where it was mentioned that when the Kundalini Shakti is aroused the person becomes healthy and free
from all diseases. Swami Shivananda was suffering from asthma, diabetes, a bad
heart, rheumatism, over weight and an eye problem. As a guru he should have
roused the Kundalini up to sahasrara and cured himself. I wondered
why he was sick. His answer was that he was suffering from these ailments as he
did not want to wipe out the past Karmas which have caused them. This
explanation satisfied me.
The second question which
bothered me was why people who had attained Nirvikalpa
Samadhi were dying even when they had conquered death. Moreover, it was
mentioned in the Patanjali Yoga that Sushumna
Nadi, through which one raised the sexual power, was a mental nadi which cannot be seen by the eyes or
dissected; it could be visualised by the mind in meditation. Starting from Patanjali
Maharishi, author of the yoga thesis, all those have died who claimed to have
raised the Kundalini Shakti to Sahasrara. These include Shirdi Sai
Baba, Upasani Baba, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Yogananda, Dayananda Saraswathi,
Rama Thirth, Aurobindo and the Mother, Ramana Maharishi, Swami Shivananda,
Swami Ramdas, Swami Nityananda, Datta Bal, Muktananda, Prabhupada, Rajneesh and
recently Pandit Gopi Krishna and Ananda Murthi. Could it be that they never
experienced Nirvikalpa Samadhi at
all? We know these saints also suffered from incurable diseases.
Now, how can one raise sexual
energy i.e. semen, through a mental nadi?
When 1 asked these questions I was told to stop questioning, have faith and
practise. Regarding death of these saints, I was told that they are not dead,
their souls still lived. What they had done was to discard this body as one
might take off one's clothes. If that be so, since all souls are said to be
immortal, then there is no need to practise Kundalini
Yoga. Unprepared to waste my life pursuing idle fantasies, I lost my faith.
During this time I had seen Babas walking on water, sleeping on beds of nails,
thorns and glass, walking on fire, doing penance on one leg, piercing
themselves with tridents, and much more which were tricks.
From the practice of meditation, pranayama and Kundalini Yoga, I found all this to be nothing but Self-hypnosis.
By meditation with Pranayama and
reciting AUM through the mouth, the
body system is supersaturated with carbon dioxide and deprived of oxygen. This
tires the brain and the person goes into drowsiness, which is thought to be Samadhi. In such drowsiness, one
imagines the sexual power rising through the mental Sushumna nadi upto sahasrara.
The state of samadhi is nothing but a hypnotic sleep. In hypnosis one can be
made to see god, go to heaven or hell or any place, recall past births and
other fantasies which are nothing but our beliefs, our past and other information
stored in the sub-conscious.
If we read Ramakrishna's life
story authored by his disciple "M", we can discern that he was in
such a condition mentally when he claimed to see Kali. His hallucinations were
such that he could not even go for nature's call, nor eat food or sleep. When
Ramakrishna explained this to Totapuri, an Advaitin, Totapuri gave him a sword
and asked him to cut off Kali's head when she appeared in his meditation.
Ramakrishna in hypnotic trance killed Kali when she appeared and from that time
onwards he was free from such hallucinations. Now if Ramakrishna was really
seeing Kali, those around him who had eyes ought to have seen her too. But his
vision of Kali was only in meditation through the alleged sixth sense, the
Now let us examine some Yogic
Siddhis are not the focus of the Yoga Sutras - read it again ! Your failure to awaken Kundalini or the fact that another "Yogi" may have lied to you does not invalidate Kundalini Yoga or Patanjali's Yoga sutras. Read it again and live the Yamas and the Niyamas for years before making this claim.
Unfortunately, Premanand is no more. He died in 2009 ( http://www.carvaka4india.com/2011/10/premanand-life-in-search-of-miracles.html)
We do't know what response he would have given to your comment.
We hope some of our readers knowledgable about Youga Sutra may have something to say.
He is lost.his mind is not having space for knowledge and heart is ful of doubts and fear. Its best for him to go on the path of material science rather than yoga science as he has already decieded that they are fake.
From our close acquaintance with the late Premanand, we can say with certainty that Premanand was a true seeker. He spent a number of years with some well-known Gurus who claimed to have yogic powers. But he was thoroughly disappointed. It was this disenchantment with those yogic Gurus that led him to skepticism.
The Great snake will take all your cars away, if you let it
Relax and meditate
yoga is great science.its a science of god.first of all study the scriptures and then practice it with faith. definitely you will know the truth.
every action have reaction.
I practice the Buddhist practice of Samadhi through Anna Pana Sati; awareness of breathing. There is no doubt that the semen rises accompanied by one pointedness, bliss and bodily rapture. This comes from a previous skeptic. It is true that at the time of practice one should be aware of doubtful mental states and let go.
1) Kundalini yoga is not listed in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali the grammarian , that concept is superstitious fools gurus and yogis, charlatans , and texts of unreliability .
2 - The miraculous powers are not siddhis or magical siddhi ( mean improvement , achievement , success, we have to define it as power , as does patanjali , explain the mechanism to understand :
go to the metaphysical dualism of Samkhya atheist ( we assuming that the author is Kapila, it may not be true. ) There are two eternal dualities Purusha ( immaterial essence ) and prakriti (matter) as the Lokayatâs reviewers . Purusha is the active agent , prakriti is inactive inert agent , free Purusha is able to manipulate the prakriti in all its forms , as it is active , "as the point moves the barn " prakriti is inactive . Purusha is capable of handling all the potentialities of the prakriti , the domain of physical laws , alteration and control the sub -potencies of nature there is , the yogi is not dominating the field , is the purusha it acting on it .
3 -) These current charlatans who call themselves gurus and yogi are stupid , fools, liars , for starters you can not cure a disease by siddhi saying he has bad past karma , error, only the annihilation of karmas burning past ( nirjara ) makes perfects purusha and prakriti unravels him , not wanting no cure because it prevents bad past karma (false). The gurus of today are liars.
4 -) The concept of sexual energy (tapas) unproven hypothesis that a high accumulation in the body burning destroys impurities , perfect body , and does glimpse the purusha . Producing mind expansion and change in perceptions ( as being the drug DMT ) . Metaphysics ruthless tapas ( asceticism ) sacrifice themselves to transcend the bondage of prakriti , severe serious ascetics are said to have achieved and gained superhuman powers.
5) - With the death consciousness is annihilated , as Purandara , Ajita Kesakambali and Carvaka and other materialistic atheists say but there is something more than the consciousness that is attached to it and that is Purusha , in all living beings, here the Carvaka philosophy not approve .
Jayarasi Battha end the skeptic atheist analyzed all fonts pramanas , none can be given by some even require direct sensory perception than illusory something wrong or can not be established , the Carvaka philosophy is common sense but is ignorant of the true, at least for absolute truth .
- Patanjali and Kapila in both systems one philosophical theist ( Ishvara -no creator or macro - Prusha ) and dual atheist metaphysics siddhis accept as real. But no one is able to follow his teachings to the end to achieve the goal of sddhis.
conclusion: as some current theoretical physicists believe that we are part of a computer simulation for ILI or advanced extraterrestrial beings , if you believe in siddhis , siddhis there , if you think there are no siddhis do not exist , so it works the collection, as the software we choose or perhaps our universe in the Multiverse siddhis is not possible, and a universe like ours with different physical laws if possible siddhis who know? . Therefore in my humble opinion 'm agnostic and pragmatic , better test yourself if it works great but discarded. Not believe in human beings claim to have powers , that's stupid if it were so Ishitvam be available for them, is a lie, but do not know if in ancient times would really be possible, but no evidence , well I do not see another parallel universe , and science suggests that there may be perhaps siddhis powers in other dimensions with higher beings of string theory ....
See- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnlPLmgI6-I
We have the curiosity of knowing miracles in unseen things... and in that process don't see the miracles in the ones those are easily seen around. How do I move my material hands just by my thought?? Is that a Siddhi I already have attained? Alas we since we are always eager to attain newer accomplish only to loose its value later we don't realize what we already have. :)
We have the curiosity of knowing miracles in unseen things... and in that process don't see the miracles in the ones those are easily seen around. How do I move my material hands just by my thought?? Is that a Siddhi I already have attained? Alas since we are always eager to attain newer accomplishments (only to loose its value later), we don't realize and relish what we already have. :)
You are a western donkey, so don't complain about the great sages of india. Enlightenment is not a joke , ok ?
If you are serious about enlightenment , please serve about 100,000 leprosy patients with food with your hands, you will begin to have enlightenment experiences , then post your experience here, thank you !
This post fills me with sadness on so many levels. I have had many first-hand experiences with the Siddhis so I know they are real. I know they are not delusions brought on by self-hypnosis because I've had spontaneous experiences witnessed by independent, mystified observers.
In my youth, I chased these abilities like the dear author of this post, and the harder and more desperately I sought them the more illusive they became. When I gave up the quest for psychic powers and just practiced quieting my mind and cultivating my own techniques for my own inner serenity for my own peace, the powers came to me. Gently. Beautifully. Naturally.
Siddihis are simply the side effect of coherent mental thought. Just because many fakes are out there does no mean that these abilities don't exist. Just because one's desperation for these gifts allowed one to be duped by empty promises does not mean that there are not beautiful, spiritually evolved people who are able and willing to help people with their own enlightenment.
When one is desperate for something it becomes easy to be deceived in your quest to attain that which you desire, either by yourself or by others. "The state of samadhi is nothing but a hypnotic sleep." Hogwash. There are many similarities to be sure, but to call cat a dog because both have fur and a tail is heartbreaking if the one who expresses such ignorance has stopped looking at cats and dogs because he is convinced he already knows the truth of the matter.
You have Siddhis? Please go here: http://web.randi.org/the-million-dollar-challenge.html
You can do a great deed by giving 1 million dollars to charity!
Please help the needy people!
Enlightenment is the state of consciousness see www.kundalini-meditation.com
How can you say that during pranayama and mediatation our body is saturated with CO2???
Samadhi is a state of superconsiousness where you are aware of everything of the outsideworld but you remain undisturbed and absorbed in your object of meditation.
Drowsiness is felt by amateur meditators who can't concentrate properly on meditation.
Semen is combination of sperm cells and secretions of prostate glands etc. The secretions are secreted during passage through your genital organs and has nothing to do with raising up in the nadi.
The way you interpreted shows your outlook and your interest in s_x.
What sages actually meant is the life generating force which is imbibed within you should be awakened upto the sahasra.
The energy which is making your reproductory organs to function should be risen through the nadi. The nuero signals/electric impulses are transferred through this nadi to the brain, which relieve you of the purpose of this life and makes you enlightened.
You can call it Se**al energy when engage your senses for fulfilling your desires.
Attaining siddhis depends on the level of your consciousness and the object of meditation for attaining those siddhis
How can you say that during pranayama and mediatation our body is saturated with CO2???
Samadhi is a state of superconsiousness where you are aware of everything of the outsideworld but you remain undisturbed and absorbed in your object of meditation.
Drowsiness is felt by amateur meditators who can't concentrate properly on meditation.
Semen is combination of sperm cells and secretions of prostate glands etc. The secretions are secreted during passage through your genital organs and has nothing to do with raising up in the nadi.
The way you interpreted shows your outlook and your interest in s_x.
What sages actually meant is the life generating force which is imbibed within you should be awakened upto the sahasra.
The energy which is making your reproductory organs to function should be risen through the nadi. The nuero signals/electric impulses are transferred through this nadi to the brain, which relieve you of the purpose of this life and makes you enlightened.
You can call it Se**al energy when engage your senses for fulfilling your desires.
Attaining siddhis depends on the level of your consciousness and the object of meditation for attaining those siddhis
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No we don't feel drowsiness during nirvikalpa samadhi.
Nirvikalpasamadhi is a super conscious state.It is a supreme and ultimate blissful state.
Sri Ramakrishna uses to see kali mata directly.When totapuri asked Sri Ramakrishna to meditate on formless god,Sri Ramakrishna closes his eyes to meditate.Then he sees Kali maa in his vision too as he loves her in form.So he could not deviate from her form.That's why Totapuri says to imagine to kill the Goddess.But Sri Ramakrishna didn't do it.Then Totapuri takes a piece of a glass and pinches Sri Ramakrishna.Then that pain relived him from that vision.
See even we sit for meditation.We will see our desirable objects.Sometimes we may see the pics of our loved ones.Does it mean they are only visions?
You are reading with a suspicious mind.So you are not thinking or reading properly.
Have an open mind.Read Bhagavad Gita,Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and In Woods of God Realisation by Swami Rama Tirtha.Read them carefully.You will understand them.Then follow their principles sincerly for 6 months.You will get to know something.
Because you didn't understand something,don't think that is meaningless.
God became the Universe and he is above the Universe.This world is his play.God means it is an eternal bliss which don't have form but can take form.It is absolute consciousness and bliss.So he became the ignorant and wise.But if you want to come out of the maya then you should do the sadhana otherwise you can enjoy the world.
Can you become a doctor or engineer all of a sudden?Then how can you expect to become a saint instantly?
My advice is to read all those books slowly,then start following the principles.You will get to know everything.
No we don't feel drowsiness during nirvikalpa samadhi.
Nirvikalpasamadhi is a super conscious state.It is a supreme and ultimate blissful state.
Sri Ramakrishna uses to see kali mata directly.When totapuri asked Sri Ramakrishna to meditate on formless god,Sri Ramakrishna closes his eyes to meditate.Then he sees Kali maa in his vision too as he loves her in form.So he could not deviate from her form.That's why Totapuri says to imagine to kill the Goddess.But Sri Ramakrishna didn't do it.Then Totapuri takes a piece of a glass and pinches Sri Ramakrishna.Then that pain relived him from that vision.
See even we sit for meditation.We will see our desirable objects.Sometimes we may see the pics of our loved ones.Does it mean they are only visions?
You are reading with a suspicious mind.So you are not thinking or reading properly.
Have an open mind.Read Bhagavad Gita,Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and In Woods of God Realisation by Swami Rama Tirtha.Read them carefully.You will understand them.Then follow their principles sincerly for 6 months.You will get to know something.
Because you didn't understand something,don't think that is meaningless.
God became the Universe and he is above the Universe.This world is his play.God means it is an eternal bliss which don't have form but can take form.It is absolute consciousness and bliss.So he became the ignorant and wise.But if you want to come out of the maya then you should do the sadhana otherwise you can enjoy the world.
Can you become a doctor or engineer all of a sudden?Then how can you expect to become a saint instantly?
My advice is to read all those books slowly,then start following the principles.You will get to know everything.
First of all, the intent with which this man sought made him DOOMED to failure. He was not seeking God, his true Self. No he was seeking Siddhis and supernatural powers. So he gravitated to men who were liars and cheats and claimed to possess them. In this age where people are so degenerate do you really this such abilities - WHICH ARE NOT THE FOCUS OF YOGA - are as widespread as that? Even IF they exist in our times their wielders would probably NOT go about boasting about them.
In any case, acquiring such abilities is considered to be a MASSIVE FAILING of Yoga to begin with. You are meant to see GOD. Not accept a temptation along the way.
What a stupid and unscientific Article... Really Stupid..
I worship Shivalinga since my 13 age. Now I am 56. Gabriel ( Archangel) came to my house on 12.2.2002 and later in 2004 I understood Gabriel is Lord Dakshinamurthi alais Shiva. I underwent , experienced lots of practical life miracles. In 2011-12 goddes Kali told me that she only is Gabriel. Now I worship Kali as G. Hinduism is true but I never practised any kundalini yoga. I am under bliss since 2004 which increases in intensity every three months. I am a practical man. But I understand religion is all about garnering as much cosmic energy into your body as possible so you can live longer healthily.
All saints are not thiefs but all theifs pose as saint.
Does one ambitious casual life efffort is sufficient to get the great one?
Do even millions people part of many countries cant't get nuclear weapons and power even if they wish....shoul we turn USA and Russia as charlatan nations with fake theories :)
I challenge you I have siddhis and I could control any living beings mind and it do as my mind said to it,because of centralised and sthira mind.for this you have first control your mind by self discipline (yog,by guru etc.)then you realised power of chetanya shakti.my power I get by self imagination, control of mind and by lord Hanuman's praying.
भगवा पहनने से कोई योगी नहीं बन जाता। जिस मनुष्य का मन पाप से परे है,जो यम-नियम का पालन करने वाला है , जो निरंतर योग में संलग्न है तथा जिसके हृदय में ईश्वर भक्ति है ऐसा व्यक्ति ही योग की सिद्धियों को प्राप्त कर सकता है अन्य नहीं। बिना इन के करोड़ों जन्मों में भी योग की सिद्धि नहीं हो सकती तो इस जन्म की तो बात ही क्या है।
पुराणों के अनुसार कलयुग में सर्वत्र पाखण्ड का राज रहेगा, ऐसा जानकर आप इन पाखण्डी बाबाओं की बातों में ना आएँ तथा हरी भक्ति में संलग्न हो जाएँ जो की कलयुग में मोक्ष का सर्वोत्तम साधन है।
Your research is fine but think once how ancient indians told about planets solar system very earlier before scientific proofs it is because they has the capacity to see them by sitting here only they adopted the body in such way that it was ready to recieve everything that universe sending them our existence itself is made up of space ,water,stars and everything making it capable to go to its source is what kundalini awakening is but unfortunately todays generation is faking it its very hard to find a guru i sudgest you to be your own guru meditate daily u will find itself everybody come from the same source and if you really want to know what it is it is in you also it will help you man dont come to the conclusion very early keep questioning yourself it wil help you for sure
u idiot..do u even know who sri ramakrishna was... U with ur rubbish scientif explanations trying to call yoga n its power fake..just b.coz u urself were not able to get them..or should i say u didnt deserved them..u may talk to me personally too my fool
Mail address plz want to clarify some doubts
Thanks for the post, great tips and information which is useful for all..
I already know what kundalini is but I looked up its association with healing and interestingly, it says this:
"Healing, from the perspective of KundaliniYoga, is different from curing. Curing is removing the illness, problem, or issue.Healing means to make whole. A person who is healed may also have an illness or disease."
So perhaps that is why all those gurus still had diseases. They were only "healing", not "curing" themselves of the disease, like they needed to. Some of them may not have properly understood what they needed to do to remove diseases. And just because they call themselves a guru, doesn't mean they actually know everything or even possess the siddhis. They might possess a few, but those might only be the lesser siddhis.
Also, I'd like to point out that I've heard a lot of people complaining because they never see anyone who has the siddhis actually show proof of it. The reasons for that are obvious. First, the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali say you should Not use the powers for showing off. Second, we know how the government reacts every time there's a big UFO/alien incident: they rush to cover it up, to silence the person who experienced it. So, I'm sure if someone with siddhis powers were to come forward and start showing them off, and let's say they had the siddhis that give you healing ability and levitation, teleportation or bi-location, I don't think the government would stand by and do nothing. They'd send someone out to silence you, or even have you kidnapped and run tests on you to see how they work or if there's a way they could harvest those powers as a weapon. Anyone who has any of the siddhis would probably do best to keep the secret to themselves.
I am new into this spiritual quest but I can quarantee you that, you don't think and decide to do Ashta saddhi or become a spiritual person , nature has its own way of selecting yoy
Does not yoga teach that our words to be pure towards another, as the one you direct these words towards is in fact yourself my friend
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